15 definitions by STEVEDAVE

An idiot. A mild insult often used in the work places of southern England
"Sorry I'm a couple of minutes late late Boss, I over slept"
"You Donut. Don't do it again."
by STEVEDAVE May 9, 2003
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That bloke with the open mouth and saliva making its way to his lapel. He's a right fuckin' Dime Bar he is.
by STEVEDAVE May 14, 2003
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a site for people at school or at home if they have nothing better to do which would be sad . to add insults about gay people
go to urbandictionary.com and define goarlmas
by STEVEDAVE December 9, 2003
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The correct term for the name Dan or Daniel
Dude his name isnt Dan its Dernalern
by STEVEDAVE December 8, 2003
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A someone whom is a total fucker and acts like a Bitch
Someone who comes from pennyburn and is a total bitch to his friends but not female's that already dumped him that he cant get over but keeps denying it.
Chris mcgooogan is a total bitch.

That chris mcgoogan is a mother fucker for sure.

That chris sound like a total bitch.

Bitch ass mother fucker=Chris mcgoogan
by STEVEDAVE October 22, 2004
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A phrase used when one has started to swear an realised during the pronouciation of the first sylable that it is inappropriate.
Ouch! Futpucit... I hit my hand with the hammer while tring to fix your gate Grandma.
by STEVEDAVE May 9, 2003
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to be gay and play computer games all of your life and never once get laid
by STEVEDAVE December 8, 2003
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