18 definitions by SBD

It's a long trip. I had better rock a deuce before we leave.
by SBD March 27, 2005
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Another way of saying you are resting my eyes
"Are you going to sleep?" "no, I'm just listenin"...Zzz
by SBD April 25, 2005
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The feeling of having no bones in your neck while under the influence of drugs.
Damn..these painkillers gave me a case of noodle neck. I can barely hold my head up.
by SBD April 21, 2005
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The act of believing you are something special or that you will get away with something petty just to help your pathetic ego.
Look at your gay ass, barb wire around the arm tattoo. You think!
by SBD March 27, 2005
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