1 definition by S. Kierkegaard

An ancient Afro Cushite Arab country in the horn of East Africa. Somalia's history is rich with numerous kingdoms and civilizations that existed within the region since the time of the Pharoes. Most Somalis today lay their claim to their ancient ancestors owing to the fact that the country has never been occupied militarily and culturally for more than months at a time. Somalians today hold dear the fact that their ethnicity and genetic make-up has not been tarnished or infused with by foreigners during military occupation or mass immigration, their make up remains the same as the Ethiopians who have similarily never been occupied.
Historical evidence suggests that Somalia's ancient kingdoms had economic ties with the ancient lands of the Pharoes. Somalia was known as the Land of Punt to the Egyptians at the time and throught the Arab and Eastern African region.
Ancient ruins suggest a vibrant cultural and financial structures that held court houses, massive Mosque's, effective irrigation systems throught the major cities and palaces.

Somalis has recently fallen into a disastrous civil war that has torn up most of the country's financial and economic capital. A newly elected governent with president Abdullahi Yusuf promises to rebuild Somalia's fractured state into the great country it once was.
A tiny mob numbering a few hundred armed teenagers decimated America's once feared imperialist machine, lets hope troops from the African Union can restore order in Mogadishu.
by S. Kierkegaard May 10, 2005
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