86 definitions by S

"he was feeding me complete brews"
"I brewed up that presentation for my boss"
by S March 30, 2004
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Buisness in the front party in the back! Hockey hair. See Mullet
Hey bob over there has the bast kentucky waterfall ive ever seen! he's sooo kool!
by S January 15, 2004
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exclamation of joy when realising academic domination at Princeton/Amherst back to back then going on to pursue domination at HMS MD PhD
Booyah. Topped Mol and Biochem exams. Booyah just booyah all over the world.
by S March 22, 2005
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Laughing out Zestfully Loud; which is derived from the original: LOL
Nick lozled as he flicked a straw full of soda at Steve's face.
by S December 23, 2004
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when a guy cums on your eye and dries and makes a patch...like a pirate
last night my boyfriend gave me a ghost pirate
by S January 4, 2004
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It couldnt b any more simple...no man has a smaller manhood thn him...

Miles Robinson
jus look down his pants..omfg! ahahahaha! pmsfl! u got a magnifying glass to hand?! Hes such a weener
by S August 5, 2004
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Super smart woman. making money by doing ordinary things. people hate because there jelous. i dont see you with he money do i no! muhahaha
rich!bitch! smart! crazy! funny! good thing!
by S December 20, 2003
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