663 definitions by Ryan

A town in Massachusetts that is "special", filled with old people and stupid skater kids who dress like they are black. Home to the shittiest school district in the world.
Kid - You live in Mattapoisett
Kid - That Sucks
by Ryan April 2, 2005
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A egotistical bi*ch that needs to keep her nose out of other peoples business.
Haha, stop acting like Kaity!
by Ryan March 16, 2005
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A term a computer geek may use to describe his penis in a limp state.
I have a 1.44 MB floppy drive, but when I saw you, it turned into a 3 GB hard drive.
by Ryan July 29, 2003
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What music should sound like
Awesome.....The way that it can be hardcore of just soft melodies,....
by Ryan December 23, 2004
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Function: noun/verb

1. to suck
2. to be objectionable or inadequate
3. awful
1. Shiz..that lastserenades to hit the rail that hard.

2. I would have had that guy if I wasn't so lastserenade.

3. Wow, that was really lastserenade of me.
by Ryan February 11, 2004
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A car that no other can compare to. The Luxury of BMWs and the speed the exceeds that of a Corvette.
My BMW M3 is better than your Benz.
by Ryan March 18, 2003
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When one proceedes to bang a girl, pulls out near ejaculation, skeet in her eye, and finally kick out her shin. Now you have a pissed off, one-eyed, one-legged, bitch chasing after you. Hence, the one-eyed pirate.
Tom was prepared to run for his life after giving his girl friend a one-eyed pirate.
by Ryan April 21, 2004
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