9 definitions by Rusty Shackelfurd

The second album by the revolutionary grunge group, Nirvana. The album included major hits such as Smells Like Teen Spirit, Come As You Are, In Bloom, and Lithium. Other songs were Breed, Polly, Territorial Pissings, Drain You, Lounge Act, Stay Away, On A Plain, and Something In the Way. Also, some copies feature a 'hidden' track, Endless Nameless.
Nevermind changed music forever.
by Rusty Shackelfurd August 18, 2005
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Nintendo's 2006 console that will focus on gameplay first and graphics second, though will probably excell at both. This is contrary to the PS3 and XBox 360, which will only have graphics as a selling point, lacking gameplay. Also offers the ability to download classic games from previous Nintendo systems.
The Revolution is the best new system, but will be outsold because the other systems are more 'ghetto' and 'hip'.
by Rusty Shackelfurd August 18, 2005
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