40 definitions by Rusty

A girl (under the age of 15) from Peace River, AB who "hooks up with" a Navagator (shitty hockey player whose hockey career is going no where in life)and later on becomes a puck bunny for the rest of the hockey team.

Becka....Marlee....Pretty much anyone from the Grade 8 class.
Noski- Hey, I just had a gang bang with a 15 year old.

Romeo- Neat...just another navahoe...can I take her for a ride?

Noski- Sure....she's just a puck bunny now!

All- haha hahahaha
by Rusty October 8, 2004
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shorthand for whoever used commonly by the same people that say whatev and whenev
Whoev pissed on my door handle is gonna die.
by Rusty July 12, 2005
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someone with a head always tilted at least 15 degrees
You that kid Ryan, his head is lopside!
by Rusty May 25, 2003
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A military word used by Nco's to tell a soldier that he is on fire.
Man that soldier is daroach.
by Rusty March 5, 2005
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Slang term for a white or light skinned person.
I was driving on the interstate when I got stuck behind some old weedo in the left lane.
by Rusty July 15, 2005
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amazingly ugly white girl with an attitude like a dog with some mad disease.
Gen snow is so flat...she caves in!!!
by Rusty March 8, 2004
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