30 definitions by Russell

some moron that lurks on irc and never releases any of his new shows
xoap is a moron cause he never releases any new shows :/
by Russell October 25, 2004
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a wrestling move that involves jumping off the top rope and landing flat onto a wrestler down on the mat.
RVD finished him off with his patented five-star frog splash.
by Russell July 11, 2004
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Unfounded or ludicrouse beliefs
Belief in talking to the dead, belief in telikenesis, in fact any belief not founded on good evidence, the poorer the evidence the more Woo Woo the belief.
by Russell January 15, 2003
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A Derve Ass Nigger
Derve can be substituted for Dumb
by Russell January 31, 2004
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It is a town In ma were chinks rule it. Chinkz rule that town and spics do 2. It was first called chinktown but the whites complained.
by Russell February 16, 2005
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A group of idiotic hypocrites who believe that their right to freedom of speech was violated when people stopped buying their albums.
Yes they have the freedom to say what they want, but that also means that other people have the right to strongly disagree with them and dislike them for it.
That is why they are hypocrites, they believe that they have the right to say what they want, but yet they think that their fans don't have the right to stop financially supporting them if they disagree with them.
The dixie chicks are uneducated hypocrites who twist the meaning of freedom of speech. Freedom of speech means you can't be criminally prosecuted for what you say, it sure as hell doesn't mean that everyone has to share your opinion and like you.
by Russell July 21, 2004
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