2 definitions by Ruran Triphis

To maintain someone or to 'hold someone down'.

Meaning to keep someone interested and committed to you without showing hesitation on your part. If youre not holding them down, you ain't trying, it can lead to them leaving your lazy a**
Drake: "she held it down, so she got a Mercedes"
Them: "oh okay"

Friend: "why did you break up with mark?"
Her: "He's so flaky, he just doesn't know how to hold it down"
by Ruran Triphis November 16, 2019
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A term meaning 'that hoe over there' commonly used by males who overly watch anime, play card games, eat hot cheetos all day, and only have friends with dicks. They often resort to calling a beautiful girl they see a thot to feel better about themselves and their particular situation as to why they have never even touched a real woman. Thus they often call a pretty female that they have no chance with 'a thot' assuming she is a hoe because of her beauty. Even though they don't even know her 😂
Loser 1: "Dude that girl is really cute!

Loser 2: "Man don't even! She wouldn't even talk to you, she's way out of your league"
Loser 1 "She's just a thot anyways 😒"
by Ruran Triphis August 13, 2018
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