1 definition by Rulemaster

A variation on the shotgun rule used when there is no clarity on who has earned the shotgun spot. Do-over can then be called and immediately after it is said shotgun can be recalled, whoever gaining in undoubtably earning the shotgun position. Who ever is calling the do-over obviously will have an advantage to call the shotgun immediately after; this is only fair. A do-over can not be called by a neutral party. Do-over's can be called in spite of any silencing game variations to a shotgun such as the jinx variation. A do-over cannot be called on a do-over, it is, as Aristotle might call it, the final cause.
Mike, Jermall and Max are walking towards Mike's ride.
Jermall: SHOTGUN NO...
Jermall: BLITZ!
Max: JINX!
Mike: Jermall Jer...
At this point Jermall walks proudly to the shotgun seat.
by Rulemaster August 7, 2009
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