1 definition by RoyalArk

A.k.a the greatest person in the world. She is extraordinarily kind, powerful, empathetic, intelligent, and friendly. You'll become her friend in moments! And oh boy, you should be honored, for she is the best friend you'll ever have. She will give everything she has to her comrades, and will never leave your side. You won't be able to stop smiling from all her compliments and jokes. Her soul and her mind are fit-to-burst with unsaid thoughts and emotions and grand plans for the future. You're lucky to be a part of her amazing life! She's extremely analytical when it comes to dating and crushes, yet it's cute when she gets super frustrated and obsessed over her crush. And no wonder why people like her so much, for as brilliant as her mind is so is her personality (and looks as well). She's incredibly gorgeous and jaw-dropping; she'll take your breath away. But don't ever take advantage of her! She seems innocent, yet will destroy you in any argument, especially if you insult her friends. She has a passion for everything, to make the most of her life. Her imperfections make her perfect, and you'll be blessed to have her in your life.
Alivia: Hi, my name is Alivia, what's you-
Everyone in a 5-mile radius: Hol up sign your autograph on my shirt please!!!
by RoyalArk January 11, 2021
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