45 definitions by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI

A a short lived boring show heralded by hot topic goths everywhere as Nickelodeons "last hope" or the last great Nick show. Invader Zim is more of an icon for it's ironic fanaticism by hot topic goths buying up the merchandise more than they ever watched the show. Invader Zim wasn't cutting edge or had any real unique factors despite what it's fanbase says.

They blame Sponge Bob for it's demise, not realizing that Sponge Bob was a success even 2 years before Invader Zim aired, and the fact that many other Nicktoons survived the reign of Sponge Bob such as Chalk Zone, Jenny Teenage Robot, Fairly Odd Parents(which is actually the reason Invader Zim failed) and Jimmy Neutron, all shows that had good long runs.

Sponge Bob was actually Nick's last savior since they could probably run Sponge Bob all day and still bring in higher ratings than their whole current lineup.
Invader Zim is more popular for it's ironic consumerism by "non-conformist" goth kids, rather than the viwership its self.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 25, 2011
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A disease/disorder that roughly the majority of white, Asian, and a lot of Hispanic women suffer from. Some black women also suffer from noassatall, though it's a very small(and disappointing portion of black women.

It's when a woman has no booty at all just pure flat cakes. Some women are tricky with their noassatall and can take pictures to try and make it look as if they have ass, when they thought.

Some other tricks include women wear leggings, super tight jeans, or booty shorts to try and make it look like they have big butts. This is called the leggings illusion, when it looks like she has an ass from afar, but you get close and notice that she suffers from noassatall.

Cures for noassatall include butt implants, but pads(Nicki Minaj'ing it), or eating until you ass gets fat and that's not a real booty, just nasty fat cottage cheese ass. If you don't have an ass, you just don't.
Becky thinks those leggings make her ass look big, but we all knows she has noassatall.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI October 12, 2011
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U Jelly is a phrase/meme used on forums, most commonly 4chan, to ask a person if they are jealous. It's usually accompanied by a picture of a guy with a smug smirk, with 'U Jelly?" Over his head.

It's used to ask forum goers are they jealous, because someone on the forum has something that others don't have, and they want to show it off, to make other people Jelly.
Anonymous: I just got this limited edition version or Radiohead's, Kid A on vinyl, U Jelly?

Anonymous 2: Yes I very much am Jelly!
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI October 10, 2010
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Microsoft's foray into the PMP(personal media player) market, and a rival to Apple's iPod. The Zune was released in 2006, had a bigger screen than the iPod's of the time, was capable of playing FM radio, and played more music formats than the iPod.

Though at the time it was more advance than the best iPod at the time when it was released, the Zune failed to catch on due to bulky design, software(that was bad at first) and also the it wasn't that much better than the iPod. Apple also announced and released the iPhone and iPod Touch withing a year of Zune's time on the market, which also could have had an effect on Zune's sales and popularity.

In 2009 Microsoft released the Zune HD, which at the time had a clearer screen than the iPod Touch, and a way more sleek design, but lacked browser and app capabilities like the iPod Touch. The Zune HD has also had a bad time on the market.
The Zune is great brand of MP3 players, but has failed to catch on and defeat the iPod.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI June 27, 2011
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An early 90s proto-emo band that was slapped with the claim of "killing" Hair Metal/Metal. Their fans swear they aren't emo. They were highly popular amongst the highly apathetic amongst the proto-emo crowd in the 90s. The lead singer, Kurt Cobain became 'An-Hero' in the year 1994 after he ate a shot gun shell, and has since been every emo's role model and their personal favorite An Hero. Before the untimely ending of the band, they made 3 classic albums

How to be emo Vol.I: Bleach
How to be emo Vol.II: Nevermind
How to be emo Vol.III: In Utero

These albums have become classic amongst the emos of today, after the proto-emo's got jobs and lightened up. Nirvana albums can be spotted on iPods of every modern emo now days.
2000s Emo: Hey man I found this really good old emo

1990s Nirvana fan: Psst, I hate emo

2000s Emo: But I think you heard of them... Nirvana?

1990s Nirvana fan: WHAT! NIRVANA ISN'T EMO!
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 6, 2010
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Geek Chic is a recent (retarded) trend that has popped up everywhere. First starting with hipsters, but like everything hipsters do, it has gone mainstream. Everyone thinks they're a geek now because the have a Facebook or own a high tech phone. Geek Chic has nothing to to with actual geeks, seeing as real geeks could care less about fashion and a lot of them think it's a vapid hobby.

Geek Chic within it's self is an oxymoron and ironic twist of events by people who are generally not geeks, attractive men and women who want to act like geeks but don't actually have the passion for geeky hobbies or the intellect. Real geeks got picked on, and were proud to call themselves geeks because they could construct their own PCs or were very good at math or something, not because they spend massive abouts of times on Xbox play Call Of Duty or in some consumer electronic like an iPod or iPhone. Real geeks consider iPods and iPhones basic shit.
Kate is the most popular hottest chick in school yet she fakes like she's a geek in Geek Chic. Knows only basic stuff about tech, and is only an average student.

Many celebrities nowadays dress in Geek Chic because it's the hottest new trend, and are not really geeks.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 19, 2011
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A person who's an asshole,dickhead, or douche but is still pretty lovable because they aren't an asshole to the full extent nor a that one relentless shithead who's always giving you a hard time. A lot of sarcastic people are lovable asshole.

Can be a friend and an asshole at the same time.
Morrissey of The Smiths is a lovable asshole.
Thom Yorke of Radiohead is also a lovable asshole.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI July 20, 2011
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