45 definitions by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI

The wrong spelling of the word Retard. Ironically, calling someone a retard and misspelling the word, actually makes the accuser a retard. Retarted is not a word, Retard is. Don't make yourself look retarded, by misspelling the word retard.

Commonly used by dumb ass YouTube commenter's, and dumb whores on facebook.
Jon: Tim, you're so retarted.
Tim:Well Jon, I'm not the retard who misspelled the word retarded.

Jon:.... well played.
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A retarded person's way to say retard. The most ironic shit on the face of the earth in the form of grammar. These people have no problem with dishing out a misspelled insult and in the process making themselves look like the actual retard in the process.
Youtube commenters:

Dumbass13yearoldboy - Lol bro ur(notice the usage of the wrong You're in this situation also) a retart I pwned you

No, you're the fucking retard. How the hell can you not "retard". What the hell is a retart?
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI September 16, 2011
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Cab Man or Cabman is a racist term(usually used in Baltimore) to describe a person of Eastern Indian or Middle Eastern descent due to the fact that they are commonly cab drivers. Even if the person isn't a cab drive, he can still be called a cab man.
Jamal - "In class I sit by a cab man"
Ezra - "What? Is he a cab driver?"
Jamal - "No he just an Indian/Middle Eastern person"
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI August 16, 2010
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A disorder that usually hits when a person gets in their 40s, sometimes it can his as early as their 30s.

People with age amnesia forget that they've have ever been kids, teenagers, or 20somethings and start to criticize the current young population as if they themselves were never a child, teen, or 20something.

People suffering from age amnesia suffer from forgetting they themselves were once teens with raging hormones or noisy little bastards. This comes with a steep misunderstanding of the young, as sufferers of age amnesia have never been a child.
Middle Age Man - "Kids these days all they do is watch TV, smoke weed, and eat bad foods"

20something - "You were a hippie back then, didn't you do the same?"


20something - "Whatever man, you got that Age Amnesia"
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI November 5, 2010
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The act of wearing shoes numerous times with no socks out in the summer, they get smelly and basically start smelling like a swamp.
Mark has Swamp Shoes because he likes to jog with no socks on in his shoes.
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI July 13, 2010
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A hater is a person who hates on a person for no conceivable reason, just hates, no opinions needed.

A hater is not...

1. A person with justifiable reason to hate someone.
2. A Person who expresses true opinion, or justifiable dislike for something(a music artist, band, singer, etc)

Hater is a word often over used by the youth of today as a defense mechanism when you down their favorite rapper, singer or band. The word "hater" is often mislabeled as people with honest or differing opinions from what's popular today. Most people of generation y can't take opinion or know how to form opinions, just to dick ride what ever they hear on the radio now days.
Example of a hater
Guy 1 - "Man fuck Drake, he sucks, he's lame"
Guy 2 - "Why?"
Guy 1 - "Because he just does"

Example of a person with a opinion
Guy 1 - "I don't like Drake's music, he's average at best, and he's honestly not my type of music"
Guy 2 - "Hater !"
Guy 1 - "Why? Because I have an opinion differing from yours"
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI February 23, 2010
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Jesus Buddy is a person who is so buddied up with Jesus that it becomes annoying. Like Jesus is their personal bro, every other word from their mouth is Jesus. Their Facebook wall, quotes, religion section always has something religious in it.
Jonathan is an immense Jesus Buddy, all he talks about is Jesus
by RolphSemensDickOvensUWIDI January 17, 2011
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