1 definition by RollandM

A Massive Multilayer Online Game made by Linden Labs, referred to as SL for short. It functions as an online metaverse where the content is created by the users from in game resources, and things uploaded from the computers of the users. Because of this the game has its own economy, and in game money (Lindens) can be traded for real world money. The game is free to play, but a fee is required if a player wishes to own in game land. Land in the game is divided up into Islands, the Islands are set from the Linden Labs owned Mainland, to the private Islands that sit apart from the mainland collection of islands. A island on SL is more commonly known as 'a Sim'. Almost anything can be found in second life from shopping to dance clubs, to cyber sex, and even roleplaying sims.
Second Life is an Massive Multiplayer Online Game.
by RollandM January 16, 2009
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