12 definitions by RogueSun

A fake, barely identifiable fruity taste associated with many popular softdrinks. It's a not quite grape, not quite raspberry taste. It reminds you of more than one thing but nothing in particular.
A new energy drink comes out in a flavor "Razzilicious" The ingredients say artificial flavors. It kind of has a hint of raspberry but there might be plum or kumquat or jack fruit or banana or passion fruit or concord grape thrown in. Kinda like the people staying at a motel who make fake margaritas by buying beer, orange juice and salt at a convenience store. The only word to describe it is simufruit orfauxberry.
by RogueSun July 1, 2009
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That whisky-barrel BO smell that occurs in people who drink to the point that they've started to sweat it out.
Jessica: Man can you believe he said that to me?

Patrick: Yeah. All he does is sit on the balcony and drink. Try to not go near him. He's got that nasty beerspiration smell.
by RogueSun July 24, 2006
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A cross between a space cadet and a basket case. A sort of Ditzy meets ADHD. The person comes to you in a flurry of hyper/frenetic activity and hands off a task for you. They're in a major hurry to leave for something. Problem is that they forgot one or more key details that you need to be able to do your part.
Jill: God I wish he'd finish everything before he heads to happy hour.

Tim: What did he forget this time?

Jill: He didn't make the deposit. I can't process this without the money being there. God what a spaceket case.
by RogueSun December 7, 2007
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The initial euphoric furor over the new MS music player Zune. One has gone looney zunes when getting excited over the advertising and rushing out to purchase it, seeing that most of the bugs have yet to be worked out.
A couple of friends go over to one of the big chain electronics stores and on the big screen TV a Zune ad is playing. They then see another customer staring at the ad.

"Uh oh."
"Look at him."
"Oh man. He's gonna go for it. He's Looney Zunes. He's gonna plunk down and buy one."
by RogueSun November 30, 2006
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A respelling of the word nuclear for those who don't particularly care if they get it right.
"Saddam had a nucular weapons program"
A rough paraphrase of President George W. Bush's scare us speeches.
by RogueSun October 11, 2004
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Grabbing at pockets, patting yourself down to make sure you have your cellphone and don't need to turn around and go back home for it. This behaviour tends to be heightened in people who also have a habit of going back to check the locks on the doors several times before leaving home.
Dude, stop that.


Quit the phone grope. You're always grabbing at your pockets as soon as we're on the road. Didn't you remember your cell?
by RogueSun May 29, 2006
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An evil gnomish/leprechaun-looking creature wearing blue, red, yellow and green that sneaks in and steals your pagerank.
Me: So how goes the blog biz?
Victim: Man the damn Googler got at my pagerank. I was a PR4. Now I'm a big fat ZERO.
by RogueSun March 19, 2008
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