12 definitions by Rocheman4280

A Mormon or former Mormon with superior physical genetics who may or may not have some degree of mental abnormalities
Girl at party: “That guy who lives here has a Book of Mormon and can’t seem to keep his place clean”
Girl 2 at party: “talk about true religion genes”
by Rocheman4280 September 19, 2021
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another way of saying a guy gets laid a lot tail haste two contexts in this fraise the first one is referring to pussy the next one is the tail of a dog or something that special needs kids will pull on if the animal try's to escape there petting
ian: yeah bro next last year when i whent to college i pull more tail than a special needs kid at a petting zoo

chris: yeah buddy
by Rocheman4280 July 23, 2013
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a person who dose not project nerdy qualities but still has them. the person is commonly an athlete most of the time they come out about there inner nerd when they are in college to there close friends and team mates.
college sports fan: hey great game! 3 tri's way to go!
college rugby player: thanks a lot!
later that day:
college rugby player: hey before we go get the kegs and shit for the party i want to watch return of the Jedi.
other college rugby player: alright bro, yo when are you going to come out about you inner nerd.
college rugby player: I don't know man its hard to be an in the closet nerd. i just don't know.
by Rocheman4280 July 18, 2013
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cocain or adderal taken before a rugby match
he took flanker juice before the game against provo broke his cheek bone got back up and finnishes the game
by Rocheman4280 February 27, 2021
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a hydrogen bomb made by mixing alumminum foil and tolet cleaner the works inside a container. if vaper is exposed to flame it will incinorate.
we put the works in a trash can and was put on a terroist watch list
by Rocheman4280 January 7, 2021
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