16 definitions by RobertOldhead

A holiday in the United States made to celebrate our past presidents. (Including George W. Bush and Nixon)

When the United States of America won the Revolutionary War in 1783 the People wanted George Washington to be King, but he just wanted to sit on his ass at his luxury estate in Virginia. So instead the People had to settle with him being President, and in their sadness the People decided to hold a birthday party every year for Washington. Politicians later in the 1990s the idiots who invented Political Correctness changed the name from Our King's Birthday to President's Day, and decided that would be a good reason to have 50% off sweaters at JC Penny's.
"Back in my day we walked barefoot through the snow to school. Uphill both ways! And President's Day didn't exist! We celebrated King George Washington's Birthday!"

"Don't miss our semi-annual President's Day Sale. All sweaters: 50% off!"
by RobertOldhead December 10, 2008
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1) A combo of great face, ass, and titties on a woman, or in other words really hot in every aspect

2) Going all the way

3) Everything
1) "Daaaamn she's pgot it going on!"

2) "Dude, I hooked up with this fox I met at the bar last night."
"How'd you do?"
"I got the works."

3) "I'd like a bacon cheeseburger with the works...
because I'm fat."
by RobertOldhead April 4, 2008
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