167 definitions by Robert

The sound made in the English words with the ''-ing'' suffix. In most accents this sound is also used in ''sing'', ''ring'', ''morning'',
''bring'', ''bang'', ''song'', ''rung'',''sting'', ''string'',
''greeting'' etc. But in my Scots dialect they are pronounced with a uvular nasal distinct from the velar nasal.
In Scots the ''ng'' sound in ''morning'' is different from the ''ng'' sound in ''morning
by Robert October 9, 2004
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means to smoke marijuana/or a ciggarett
1.lets go chikity choke
2.u chikity choking
by Robert March 20, 2005
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means to smoke marijuana/ or ciggaretttes
lets go chikity choke
by Robert March 20, 2005
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New slang word for a penis. Particularly used in Australia, but is quickly spreading.
1) Suck my bane
2) My bane feels strain
3) You are a banetaker
by Robert December 12, 2003
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if something is mad, bad or just plain wrong, it can be described as "on crack", or, for added emphasis, "so on crack".
by Robert June 17, 2003
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(verb) to gouge or poke; a bitch move often done by UK's point guard who happens to look like an African ET
This guy Rondoed me during my basketball game.

Greg want to Rondo Taylor's ass.
by Robert March 24, 2005
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The alias of an elite jackass.
<Chick-Kun> I should use my powers to abuse you.
by Robert June 1, 2004
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