167 definitions by Robert

Derived from the old English ye and all. Originally used in colonial America. Now often used to represent you all.
What are y'all up to.
by Robert March 31, 2004
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A Dutch word, which is oftenly used when you haven't got anything to say.
Hello, how are you? I'm fine - long silence - MWEEH MWEEH!!!
by Robert December 11, 2003
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having some..
Trace got laid. to which you reply...Yes have some!
by Robert November 3, 2003
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Militant Muslims dedicated to imposing their Islamic world view on others through the use of force and coercion.
Osama bin Laden, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ahmed Yassin, Yasser Arafat
by Robert March 10, 2004
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Someone who always asks for your age/sex/location, even if you are taking the mickey out of the prat.
user1:I hate all of you
user1:leave me alone intenet perv
a/s/ler:ASL BITCH!
by Robert July 11, 2004
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Lisa used that at work. Warning though once you hear the word chutta, it's typically going to be followed by Fuck Up.
Chutta Fuck Up
You better Chutta fuck up
by Robert December 21, 2004
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To tell one he/she has no wealth in order to get out of paying.
When the store clerk asked for the money, the customer said sorry nomoneyndabank
by Robert January 25, 2005
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