11 definitions by Robby101

An Aussie expression for someone who is a total jerk.
Does not necessarily mean that person “wanks” (masturbates)
Oh that Steve, he’s a complete wanker
by Robby101 November 2, 2006
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Aussie term for fucking a hot, but dumb or stupid girl. As if by some magic the act of banging her would knock some sense into her.
“Oh that Kelly’s a stupid bitch, geeze I’d love to teach her a lesson
by Robby101 November 2, 2006
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An Aussie expression for sexual intercourse, but meaning that you would really give it to that girl hard!!
“Oh that Kelly, geeze I’d love to womp her”
by Robby101 November 2, 2006
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Aussie expression for a girl that is not necessarily pretty, but you would root her because she has a slutty attraction about her.
“Oh Brandy, I’d like to root her, only because she’s got the slut factor”
by Robby101 November 2, 2006
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Come on mate, lets fire up the barby
“Put some stake and onions on the barby, mate”
by Robby101 November 3, 2006
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Aussie expression when being astounded at something.
Short for “Strike me lucky”
“Strike mate, that’s a bloody big snake!!”
by Robby101 October 27, 2006
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Aussie slang for sexual intercourse.
Can be used in place of Fuck, Bang, Womp and Screw.
If something is “Rooted” it is broken, stuffed and useless.
“Rooted” can also apply to a persons lack of energy.
“Oh, Susie is a hot babe, I’d sure like to root her”
“The car won’t start, it’s rooted
“I went for a run this morning, now I’m rooted”
by Robby101 November 6, 2006
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