5 definitions by Rjp

A driver who uses only one hand at any given position on the steering wheel. May often use palm and friction to turn the wheel without grabbing it. Rarely adds a second hand except for extreme circumstances.
The guy that hit me was driving like a twelve-hour one armed bandit.
by Rjp October 5, 2004
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n. One who has sexual intercourse(fuck) with a piece or a pile of shit. Adj. To descirbe how stupid one is.
Quique Pina of Chicago IL, is the biggest shitfucker I have ever met because of his attitude and he smells of shit.
by Rjp April 23, 2003
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When a chick, despite being on her rag, still wants to fuck.
"I was gonna fuck her but it turned out she was serving caesars."
by Rjp October 6, 2004
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The critical piece of this transaction is the valuation
by Rjp September 18, 2013
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1. what you have left over near the bottom of a bag of chips.
2. if you drink a foamy beer down to about 1/4" left in the glass, what you have left over.
3. the people you have left at the end of a party, or at bar close in a tavern.
synonyms: bottom of the barrel, picked over.
"Son, you wear that out to town, and all you're comin' home with is scrids."
by Rjp February 15, 2005
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