22 definitions by Risown

Donnie Dumphy is a Dumphanease rapper from the city of St. Johns, Newfoundland. Donnie and his girlfriend Brenda are known to be the most devastating duo next to Bonnie and Clyde. Donnie rides around on his Honda 50 all day through the streets of St. Johns. Donnies videos can be found on Youtube, through the account of The Motion Show.

I'm Clyde, Brenda's Bonnie. You may drink like a fish but a fish drinks like Donnie!!!

by Risown March 1, 2009
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This is a great song by Bob Dylan. This song tells the tale of the killing of a 51 year old barmaid, Hattie Carroll. William Zantzinger, or Zanzinger as Dylan refers to him in his song, lived in Charles County, Maryland. He was a young wealthy tobacco farmer at the time. The main incident of the song took place in the early hours of February 9, 1963, at the white tie Spinsters' Ball at the Emerson Hotel in Baltimore, Maryland. Using a toy cane, Zantzinger drunkenly assaulted at least three of the Emerson Hotel workers: a bellboy, a waitress, and — at about 1:30 in the morning of the 9th, Hattie Carroll, a barmaid. In addition to her work at the hotel, Hattie Carroll, at 51, was the mother of eleven children and president of a black social club. Already drunk before he had reached the Emerson Hotel that night, William Zantzinger, 24 years old and 6'2", had already assaulted employees at Eager House, a prestigious Baltimore restaurant, with the same cane. This cane was a 25 cent toy. After ordering a bourbon that Carroll didn't bring immediately, Zantzinger cursed at her, called her a "nigger", then "you black son of a bitch," and struck her on the shoulder and across the head with the cane. Soon after the blow, Carroll told co-workers, "I feel deathly ill, that man has upset me so." She collapsed and was hospitalized. Hattie Carroll died eight hours after the assault. Her autopsy showed hardened arteries, an enlarged heart, and high blood pressure, and gave brain hemorrhage as the cause of death. William Zantzinger was charged with manslaughter and assault. He spent 6 months in the county jail.
The Lonesome Death Of Hattie Carroll

William Zanzinger killed poor Hattie Carroll..
With a cane that he twirled 'round his diamond ring finger.
At a Baltimore hotel, society gath'rin.
And the cops were called in, and his weapon took from him.
As they road him in custody down to the station.
And booked William Zanzinger, for first degree murder.

"Killed by a blow..
Lay Slain by a Cane.."
by Risown July 11, 2009
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One of, or the best rapper out there today. The infamous Eminem doesn't rap about bitches, money or who he just shot. He raps about his life and childhood problems he has encountered. Eminem has been around a long while, and has rapped with people such as Dr.Dre and he has also formed the band D12. Eminem has had another on stage name, which was Slim Shady. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers. Eminem performed at many places and has sold an estimated 70 million albums.
Eminem is a notorious god of rap.

Eminem is Phat, man!
by Risown January 4, 2009
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An amazing song produced by the band Lynyrd Skynyrd. This song has basically made the band famous. I think the song is slightly sad and I find it strange how in the end, the whole band kind of went down as Free Birds.
cause I'm as Free as a Bird nowww...
and this bird you can not change.

Free Bird is legendary!
by Risown February 2, 2009
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The common act of one who touches oneself to produce a pleasuring feeling in the groin area which almost always ends up in ejaculation. This is accomplished with the help of some form of visual or audio stimulation or just plain imagination.
beating off; harping on the cyclops; unmasking the self serve pump; launching the meat missile; whacking the flesh flute; Masturbation;

Person 1: Dude, Sheldon masturbates 9times a day..
Me: dude.. hes gonna have alot of kids..

Person 1: Hey, what are you doing later?
Person 2: I figure I'll masturbate til I pass out.

Person 1: Dude.. Sheldon is in the hospital.
Person 2: How the ??
Person 1: Yeah, turns out he ejaculated until his actual testicles came out
Person 2: Well, I guess that's what 9 times a day got the horny bastard.
by Risown November 11, 2008
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A nearly extinct mammal that lives in highly forested areas. The wild bologna are a fierce creature, building from the size of an SUV to a tiger tank. Bolognas take a while to build up speed, but when they do they can run for days on end. They look like the massive leeches on the King Kong movie. The Bolognas can open there mouth, and inside that mouth, there are several other small mouths. Not many of these beautiful creatures are left. The remainder are located in Newfoundland, Canada. There may be more in the world, but they have not yet been located. Over time, the Bolognas evolved into a flying bologna. The flying wild bolognas are a type of bird, except with razor sharp teeth, massive claws, and wing span which reaches 12 to 14 feet. The bolognas do occasionally mate, but due to there large size, when they mate, they would usually perish. The bolognas constantly let out a large glass shattering screech that can be heard from miles and miles away, and can some times deafen other animals, leaving them as easy pray for the Bolognas. The Bolognas also screech to keep in contact and let other Bolognas know that they are out there. Some Bolognas have been known to let out a screech just before death. They also screech as a warning call. The Bolognas can be harmless to humans, unless they are hungry, or unless you get in there path while they are in motion.
Person 1: Did you hear that?
Person 2: Yeah, must be a Wild Bologna.
by Risown August 10, 2008
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