15 definitions by Rio

a word invented by the rio tainy and hayley ppl. meaning oh shit in a depressing way.
girl: your going to die
by Rio May 5, 2005
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Bambi is an obese science project gone wrong. Commonly seen in the bambi saga from the comic strip "Adrenaline". A level one is a common fat person, a level to resembels an overweight big foot, and of course the third and final level is over 400lbs and is 10ft high with the ability to absorb things on contact. Aproach with caution.
That girl is a level 2 bambi, i didn't know they made shirt sizes that big......
by Rio May 20, 2004
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MCDONALDS - Mc DUM ALL (who eat there)

a place where I used to Work on My high school years and where you can rob alot of money if you got the Manager Codes! ja ja ja - fuck up food by the way.
by Rio August 19, 2003
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When a guy comes behinde a girl raps his arms around her, if lucky the guy puts his hands in the girls front jacket pockets. Very cute for couples
Ally:Im cold!
Powell:Raps arms around ally from behinde
by Rio June 30, 2003
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the remnants of semen, natural body lubricants and/or artificial lubricants that pool and collect on surfaces or in the anal cavity after sexual intercourse
My boyfriend birthed our jello baby before we showered and went to bed.
by Rio September 30, 2003
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hell man dont get my airs durrty
by Rio November 17, 2003
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imma rawl at u till u bleed lil fucka gimme mah money!!!!
by Rio November 17, 2003
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