13 definitions by Ricky Foxwell

The Facebook art of Moncing. When you do not trust someone on your friends list to be in a group with your other friends. So you end up banning then from the group and away from your other friends.

Only preformed by the creator or admin of a group. Usually involves inviting them with a group request. Then when they accept and you find they will cause trouble within the group you ban them.

Thus preforming the art of moncing.
"Why have you banned me Emelda?"

"I didn't trust you in the group with my friends"

"so you're moncing me then?"

"yes I am do you have a problem with that?"
by Ricky Foxwell February 12, 2009
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Someone who reports to facebook admin everything they disagree with on Facebook.
Considering themselves the righteous voice of facebook.

They are the guilty party for many 'free speech posters' finding their accounts deactivated.

Fucking Bookadobba
"Facebook Login
Account Disabled

Your account has been disabled by an administrator. If you have any questions or concerns, you can visit our FAQ page here."

Fucking Bookadobba got my account deactivated
by Ricky Foxwell February 14, 2009
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'Doing a Markunt' The act of reading a Face Book group's Description and somehow coming to the conclusion that you are described in a offensive manner.

Thus causing you to do everything you can to get that group closed down.

Although finding out later that the description had nothing to do with you and you are suffering paranoia.

Fark was fuming after reading the group description.

"One ranga who seems to have ended up being rewarded with being born a ginger, ugly and completely unfunny."

Fark "I'll show them I'll get their group shut down"

Fark then proceeded to upload pornographic pictures and reported group finally getting it shut down

Ricky "Fark you dumb fuck that was written 6 months before you joined and any of us knew you"

Fark " oh sorry"

Ricky "oh ffs you have done a Markunt on the group"
by Ricky Foxwell February 12, 2009
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When someone looks up your name on Urban Dictionary and uses it as an attack post towards you.
Ashley Quinn wrote
at 1:44am tomorrow
Ricky - Urban Dictionary

the fattest whore ever.

ricky - adj. - a term meaning, homosexual. it could also be used for describing a transvestite.

cashew dick or dick that looks like a peanut or cashew.

Ricky Foxwell wrote
at 1:46am tomorrow

Oh no you UD'ed me.
by Ricky Foxwell February 18, 2009
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One who uses faceBook group discussion boards to sniff out pussy. When tracking down a female poster will lay on the charm so hard it makes other users violently ill.

Usually are two faced, sad little men who can't get woman in real life. Also find that they are totally different to male posters and females who see through him

Anita Hartroll (London) wrote
at 10:19pm
Oh FFS he's such a sad fuck pussy sniffer.

Ricky Foxwell wrote
at 10:15pm
Oh look Ryan is pussy sniffing again

Ryan Trussle wrote
at 10:13pm
Hello ladies, hows my two favorite posters tonight.
by Ricky Foxwell February 11, 2009
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'troll leech' someone who hangs around facebook troll groups so they can be offended. Then post their 'political correct posts' so they can feel like they are doing good in the world.
post #1
The worst scrounge of the internet is attention whores. Worse than fatties are these sad fucks who feel the need to post their slutty pictures in any group they can find.

Post #2
Simone Flossy (London)
do you not have anything better in your life than to abuse pepole?!

Post #3
Why stay in this group if you disagree with everything that is posted?

You are a Troll Leech living off our hate to feel good about yourself.
by Ricky Foxwell February 9, 2009
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Menza is the largest, oldest, and best known low-IQ society for retarded people in the world. Similar to it's brother organization Mensa but for dumb fucks.
28 February at 18:59
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and now I will give this further exposure.. your defeat.. by pasting this link all over facebook land and fyi my menza score was 146 look it up :-D
by Ricky Foxwell March 1, 2009
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