18 definitions by Rick Roberson

(n.) A dominant homosexual male that employs feces in the commission of sexual acts.
My boyfriend sniffs dirty diapers and gets horny off the aroma of fresh warm poop. He's my big scat daddy.
by Rick Roberson August 4, 2010
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(n.) A juvenile term for the anus.

See scatoody.
Doctor: "You may not be constipated. Your poopie hole just won't open far enough. All we can do is provide full-length cock-stabbing penetration of your well-rimmed and squeaky-clean anus with massive enemas."

Patient: "Oh, bless you doctor! How can I thank you?"

Doctor: "You can't. But your insurance company will. Have a nice day."
by Rick Roberson May 11, 2009
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(n.) The creamy discharge that oozes from a yeast-infected meat wallet.
Her vagina puke was so abundant that she could decorate a wedding cake with her twat in 3 minutes flat.
by Rick Roberson March 12, 2009
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(n.) Occurs when rock-solid fecal matter is ejected from the vagina onto a person or object, or into an appropriate container.

For our younger, more sensitive readers, cuntstipation is when shit comes out of a girl's pussy (snatch, twat, cunt, meat wallet).
Husband: "Suppose we'll be having sexual intercourse tonight, sweetheart?"

Wife: "Oh no, not tonight, honey... I'm having a bad case of cuntstipation."

Husband: "It's okay, dear. I was just having a sperm-retention headache."
by Rick Roberson April 4, 2011
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(n.) Synonymous with asshole, ring piece, anus, poopie hole, dumphole and scatoody.

The term 'fudge factory' is a euphemism for the anus, used by parents and teachers when conversing with children about personal hygiene.
"Emily, you must remember to wash and clean your fudge factory before getting out of the bathtub."
by Rick Roberson April 26, 2009
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1. (n.) vulgar slang for a used condom. This nomenclature has been widely used for decades.

2. (n.) One that is disgusting, disreputable or possessing of low-life characteristics.
1. David, you've got a pile of scumbags on your night table. How about getting rid of them? The aroma is about to make me puke my guts out!

2. Did I overhear someone talking about Jessie Sue's new boyfriend? I've known him for years. He's nothing but a cock-sucking, shit-eating scumbag.
by Rick Roberson March 2, 2009
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(n./gerund) A euphemism for the act of vomiting or, for the more colorful imagination, puking one's guts out from over-eating and/or over-consumption of alcohol.
I ate 35 stuffed shrimp and drank 27 White Russians, then I was blowing lunch and enjoying them both a second time.

I drank four cases of beer and I was blowing lunch like there was no tomorrow.
by Rick Roberson March 2, 2009
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