34 definitions by RexGibson

The best pitcher in the history of Major League Baseball. A six-time Cy Young award winner for best pitcher in the American league. Also a mercenary who never really cared about the success of his teams; he only cared about winning a World Series for himself.
by RexGibson March 8, 2004
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A description of a weak hit in baseball that falls into the outfield just out of the reach of the infielder and just in front of the outfielder.
While the exact reason for the name is unknown, it originated in the Texas minor league.
The skinny little batter could only hit Texas Leaguers.
by RexGibson August 17, 2006
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A version of a bra specifically designed for men.

Created by Frank Costanza and Cosmo Kramer on the television comedy Seinfeld.

Kramer wanted to name the new device a bro while Frank wanted to name it the "manziere". They couldn't agree on a name and the invention failed.
If you're a man and you have large breasts, you need a manziere for support.
by RexGibson March 11, 2004
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the orange car that Bo and Luke Duke drove in the TV show The Dukes of Hazzard. The car's doors were welded shut, causing the boys to enter the car through the windows. see bo-duke it
by RexGibson March 15, 2004
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1) The age at which a girl is just old enough to have sex without getting the older man in trouble with the law.

2) A very fine pornographic magazine depicting teenage girls.
1) Jimmy: Hey Johnny, how old is your girlfriend? She looks really young.
Johnny: She just turned 18!
Jimmy: You lucky dog, she's barely legal!

2) I looked at the naked pictures in the latest issue of Barely Legal.
by RexGibson December 14, 2003
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Don Cherry is currently the most well-known hockey commentator in Canada. He discusses hockey issues with sidekick Ron MacLean every Saturday night after the first period of the first game shown on Hockey Night in Canada on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
Cherry played one single game in the National Hockey League (NHL), but spent many years in the minor leagues. He was more successful as a coach, leading the Boston Bruins in the 1970s. As a CBC commentator he has been extremely controversial, calling Europeans and French Canadian players chickens and wimps. Cherry hosted an interview-syle TV show in the 1980s called Don Cherry's Grapevine, which spawned similarly named bars across Ontario.
Don Cherry is a tough talkin' old man.
by RexGibson February 16, 2004
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