10 definitions by Rev Sharpton

Every urban city ghetto in the US is run by democrats.
Memphis is just another example in a long line of democrat ghettos.
by Rev Sharpton February 17, 2023
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What you do in the morning when you relieve your lower intestines of this dreadful Democrats.
I need to flush some Democrats....I’ll be back in 20 minutes.
by Rev Sharpton October 20, 2020
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Fart with no sound because the loose asshole has been horse-fucked by other fags
Sorry you couldn’t hear my fag fart...those sperm stains are gonna smell.
by Rev Sharpton October 29, 2020
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Situation where man caves to a female in every which way and he hasn't actually hit the twissat
Have you hit that yet or are you still nothing whipped? You do any and everything she asked you to do.
by Rev Sharpton April 13, 2014
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When you fart past a shit & it gathers shit molecules on the way out.
Go take a shit instead of making us smell your nasty blow-by.
by Rev Sharpton December 28, 2022
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