3 definitions by Remedy

A really sexy guy on a T.V. show called happy days

the fonz usually says "Aaayyy" while sticking his thumbs up in the air. He also is able to attrackt women by snapping his fingers and can start the juke box by hitting it
by Remedy July 5, 2003
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A sweet and kind girl that can change your world! She is so sweet and kind!! The best friend ever! She can turn a bad day into a good one! She has the ability to turn a sad person happy just by smiling at them. Vyda's are normally pretty with dark brown hair and perfect teeth normally not tall but what she lacks in height is made up in personality! Normally likes guys that first letter of the name is R and get along great with Haley's. If you found one keep her!!!!!!!
Wow she is so cool she must be a vyda
by Remedy July 3, 2014
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