11 definitions by Reichu

(1) The intense opposition of the phenomenon of shipping.
(2) A strong opposition to a particular character pairing.

n. anti-shipper: One who anti-ships.

v. anti-ship: To anti-ship.
(1) After suffering through 700 shipping threads on anime forums, I finally gave into temptation and initiated an anti-shipping campaign. But the shippers bitched so much that those asshat admins banned me for trolling.

(2) Why aren't there more Shinji/Rei anti-shippers? That relationship is wrong on SO many levels.
by Reichu September 12, 2005
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The loose "pouch" of skin on a cat's abdomen.
Whenever he tried to touch the cat's farfle, the feline viciously attacked him.
by Reichu May 11, 2005
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The flexible cavity connecting the uterus to the outside of the body -- i.e., the vagina.
"Tonight, I'm taking my first trip into the Tunnel of Love! That is, if Cynthia is feeling hospitable..."
by Reichu July 30, 2005
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The "active" partner in certain sexual acts (the one doing the "giving"). Often refers to the penetrative partner in homosexual intercourse.
Sometimes I like to take it up the poop chute, but most of the time I'm the giver.
by Reichu June 27, 2005
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Combination of fap and fanboy. Specifically, this refers to fanboys who routinely turn their favorite hawt female characters into side dishes.
"Evangelion" fandom is notorious for its hordes of Rei and Asuka fapboys.
by Reichu August 26, 2005
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"Oh, man! I got hawt poontang last night like you wouldn't believe!"
"Yuh-huh. You're a cherry pie and everyone knows it."
by Reichu August 31, 2005
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Noun. The 'smile' of a canine, open-mouthed and accompanied by panting, avid tail-wagging, and a flapping tongue.

Verb. To smile (applies to canines only).
Whenever I arrive home from work, my dogs greet me with wagging tails and larfing faces.
by Reichu May 11, 2005
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