8 definitions by Reginald Whattabone

Refering to the person or the sound produced by one who is consciously capable of sucking air into their vagina and expelling it in a manner such that it resembles the sound of a fart.
While Jimmy was unaware at the time, the reason his mother sounded like someone blowing across an empty bottle every time she wore a dress on a windy day, was because she was a queef.
by Reginald Whattabone September 13, 2003
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Refering to sexual relations between a human and an animal.
Deeply in love with Terry, Miranda had no idea what bestiality was, and she often wondered why he always kept small packets of peanut butter in his pants.
by Reginald Whattabone October 7, 2003
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The term use in polite company which refers to the subservient act of orally stimulating the male sex organ with, but not limited to, the lips, mouth and tongue, during which suction pressure is applied to the male organ, usually resulting in the need to shampoo.
Fellatio is not a town in France.
by Reginald Whattabone September 13, 2003
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Refering to a sexual act with the corpse of another human being.
Although Kenny didn't know that his first sexual experience was considered necrophilia, he was sure glad his parents gave him a shovel for Christmas.
by Reginald Whattabone October 7, 2003
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The subservient act of orally drawing out the ejaculate of a man from another man's rectum via the anus.
After Wilbur feltched his boss upon his return from his Mexican vacation, Wilbur really needed to floss.
by Reginald Whattabone September 13, 2003
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The adjectival reference to the biblical term for anal sex.
Although Joseph didn't mind the walk, registering for all these new Roman taxes felt like sodomy to him.
by Reginald Whattabone October 7, 2003
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A shorthand reference to the Graffenberg Spot, supposedly located inside the anterior of the vagina, which if properly stimulated induces the expulsion of a large volume of fluid from the vagina at orgasm.
Although Kenny was happy that Kathy could reach G-spot orgasm so quickly, he secretly wished that she hadn't pissed the bed.
by Reginald Whattabone October 7, 2003
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