2 definitions by Reginald D. Emery

The act of letting your dog shit in someone else's yard and then bending over to act like you are picking up the feces without actually doing so. Menace comes from the fact that your dog is making waste on another's property, and phantom comes from the fact that it must be done steathily. This manuever is usually performed at night but can performed during the day against neighbors you have absolutely no respect for.
I just pulled off the Phantom Menace during the day with Mr. Chang in the front yard. He yelled at me but I couldn't understand his oriental gibberish
by Reginald D. Emery January 13, 2012
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The surname of a tribe of men known to have very large genitalia. This tribe is particularly concentrated in the midwestern United States, specifically Illinois. Their size and sheer girth is staggering to most females.
Ron: Who are those kids that are stealing all our young split tail?
W Brasky: Oh them. They're all Emery's. They all have cocks the size of trolley cars. It's unreal.
by Reginald D. Emery January 14, 2011
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