30 definitions by Reed

1. A term for urinating.
2. A term for a man's penis.
1. Man, i gotta take a pizatch.
2. I'll shoot jizatch out ma pizatch forizatch.
by Reed April 24, 2004
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An event occuring in crowded public places, where many people are close together. The event involves the ringing of an individual's cell phone, and results in 1/2 or more of the immediate area's population digging through purses and pockets for their phones.
Dude, I was standing in line at a train station in Tokyo, and we experienced complete pandephonium when Ichiro's phone went off.
by Reed April 30, 2006
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to stab somebody for no reason other than to ignite fear throughout the heart of students at friends school of baltimore.
because of the young bucking following Dre being attacked, Friends school of Baltimore had a 10 minute lockdown where we closed the doors and the shades and turned the lights off. there were also 4 horns. A young man named Joe richardson missed the whole thing because he was busy listening to his ipod. the crazy MC however, was social enough to agree with my theory that the first horn was to say that young buck had escaped from the penitentary and was at our school. THE NEXT FOUR HORNS SYMBOLIZED THE FOLLOWING about Buck's arrival-
1. armed with a 9 mill
2. armed with a small asian dagger
3. Accompliced by The Game
4. in a state of "random young black man from the ghetto anger"
by Reed January 7, 2005
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An extract of marijuana made up of resin you smoke it but it is not the same fucking thing as weed .... if you thought it was you've probably never smoked weed... honestly weed and hash are not fucking synonyms
by Reed June 10, 2003
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a loud and obnoxious fart. sometimes described as one that "ripped a second asshole". very painful and displeasurable to both the farter and those standing around him.
Damn dude, was that a bomb? Nope, Bruce just had another colon blast. Is his asshole okay?
by Reed April 28, 2004
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An internationally popular reggae singer during the 1970s, sung about political activism, rastafarianism,and the legalization of marijuana
Bob marley and the Wailers made music about weed
by Reed May 11, 2003
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the dilznack is a word similar to heezy which is used to express an exclamation of surprise or confusion.
by Reed April 20, 2004
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