10 definitions by Rebekah

A kindhearted crazy girl who is always smiling she speaks her mind and doesn't let others negative opinions bother her. She's always thinking positive thoughts and is very unique. You are very lucky if you meet a Tesphania.
Omg! You are such a Tesphania!
by Rebekah October 25, 2014
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1. Person that must be worshipped, loved, and you must be atrracted to them too.
2. An awesome Skater.

Also see CKY FOR Bam (the one you must worship) brother Jess.
1. I love Bam. I love Bam!
2. I wish i could Skate like Bam
by Rebekah January 12, 2004
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n. One who talks excessively, especially about trivial or irrelevant subject matter.

v. To conversate aimlessly about insignificant or pointless banter.
I'm hanging up now, you're duggering.

What in the hell was Greg talking about in the meeting today?

I don't know...he's a dugger.
by Rebekah December 23, 2003
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