23 definitions by Real Gangsta in da House

Aren't birthday parties or presents better when you don't expect them? Surprise Sex also a fantastic method to meet new people and interesting people like hot women or the police. Just ask Bill O'Reilly, he has been engaging in the practice of 'Surprise Sex' for nearly 20 years.
I didn't rape her officer. Haven't you heard of surprise sex?
by Real Gangsta in da House July 12, 2005
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The name that many artists and bands have decided to name their album. Some of the artists to have given one of their albums this title are:
The Damned
Boyd Rice
Metallica fans also refer to their self entitled album as the Black Album due to its nameless cover and to symbolise the beginning of the end.

Ira Peel hasn't looked at the Music Fan Reaction List. A Metallica fan wouldn't cry because someone insulted their favourite album with such a poor insult.

BTW The Metallica album wasn't called 'The Black Album' so Jay-Z didn't steal it. You're thinking of his beats.

I am using this definition to hurl abuse at everyone else that has posted whether than describe the term. I am just like everyone else on this site. I'm cool for once unlike school!
Punk: Will scream and violently attack everything nearby except people.
Rap: If act tough and attempt to defend their music with crap like 'Yo is just jealous as ya not gangsta lie us nigga'
Metal: Will violently assualt the blastfermor.
Classical: Will state you as being an uncultured yob.
Emo: Will run home and cry about it in their mother's arms.
Goth: Will run home and cut themselves
Hippie: Who cares? It's all cool man.
by Real Gangsta in da House July 13, 2005
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Obscure genre of music the emerged within the early 90s. Although some would consider this to be a strange combination it has been gaining popularity in recent years. However, the genre itself still remains deeply underground due to it's strange combination making it lose appeal to gangsta rap fans and metal fans.

Pioneers of this unique form of metal into Black Apocalypse, Devil's Thugz, N.N.D and Dark Heaven. The Lyrically content usually consists of street life, black opression and government politics. Although considered a mockery, satanic and a disgrace to thier race by by in the black community. Gangsta Metal isn't as satanic as the it am suggest, however, bands such as Atheist Pride have a strong view on the flaws on religion and that it is keeping the black race in slavery and opressing women and homosexuals.

Think Old Metallica or Slayer instruments, guitar solos and enegry with N.W.A or Public Enemy lyrics. Gangsta Metal has attracted many black people who find 'normal' metal to be primarily white or satanic. Gangsta Metal often have album names that would appear to be regular metal with song titles that one would expect from rap.

Subgenres of this type of music include Gangsta Thrash Metal (Black Apocolasype and Decaying Silence) Gangsta Christian Death Metal (Children of Elohim) and Gangsta Goth Metal (Abrachasyn's Ashes and Veronica's Veil)

I recommend any fans of gangsta rap and metal to check out any of the bands below.
Band - Best Album (IMO)

Black Apocolasype - Hell is White
Devil's Thugs - Slaves to the inferior power
Atheist Pride - Jesus forgot my race
White Sin - The Pain of Adnai
Spiritual Decline - Light only in Dark
Abrachasyn's Ashes - Algophobia
Children of Elohim - Angel's Philter
Rupublican Nazis - United Truth
by Real Gangsta in da House July 16, 2005
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Please click on all the links you find as they will be helpful in your quest for music.

I've read some of the definitions here and some idiots have the cheek to call this filth 'music' and even bigger idiots have said that gangsta rap ISN'T the greatest form of music ever created (I know true music fans, some fools really do think like this.) All 3 of the jazz 'songs' I have heard it doesn't even have any lyrics? How can that poor excuse for music if you can't hear the artist tell a beautiful story from the street about the bitch he banged last night?

My teacher used to like jazz and that asshole made me learn stuff so I know jazz is shit. I work in McDonalds now so that I never have to worry about learning or thinking ever again. Jazz 'music' has NO beat and some of it isn't even made by machines that make a constant, mind numbing 'bip bop' for real music listeners to get down to.

Rap was invented by my fellow brothers so if you prefer any other type of music other than rap that means you're a racist white cracker that needs to be burned like the bird shit you are!

Have you noticed that they never play jazz on MTV? That is because MTV only plays the top 40 which means they only play good music. Only old people that were alive when we evolved from snakes listen to this dribble because they are ashamed that good music like rap didn't exist in the dinosaurious ages.

This is how every jazz song sounds like "KEEP ROLLIN', ROLLIN', ROLLIN', ROLLIN'" That isn't music! That is crap! Go get some Ja Rule you old pensioners.
Go listen to your crappy Jazz, Blues or whatever you call it if you wish to remain a fool. Rap is the only true music with soul because it has lyrics that speak from the heart and tell us a tale. ('Soul' 'music' should be called Soul-less music. ZING!)
by Real Gangsta in da House July 12, 2005
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A place in England that doesn't contain enough townies. There are only 500,000 neds in Stockport yet I think I saw a grunger once. What if they round themselves up and attempt to outnumber us. I am a chav and without at least 20 townies surrounding me constantly I get scared.

Stockport is full of places fo' us Gs to hang 5 innit such as the cinema to see some light entertainment such as the latest xXx movie. There are benches outside of the local 5 star resturant McDonalds where one can spit as much as he chooses. In fact, there are three McDs. Truely a luxurius choice of a home town and a highly cultured society. Such as the local musical art theater, HMV, that plays exquisite rap classics. Beautiful paintings can be around the many monuments in which artists express themselves with spraypaint with such poetry as "I fucked Jen at this spot".

Has one of the only town centres smart enough not to ban hoodies (After all, they would lose ALL their customers, literally.)
Stockport is a high class, cultured society so we try not to let any riff-raff like you punks or working class jazz fags get in our way.
by Real Gangsta in da House July 13, 2005
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The ONLY genre of music. PERIOD.

Rap is true. Rap is the heart and soul voice of the streets proclaiming thier lives and telling us a story of heartache and woe. Living on the street is tough. I want to Snoop Dogg's mansion and he told me how hard his life is and how gangsta he is. Then he kicked me out and screwed my mother. He is my hero.

Me and all my friends are townies and some people just don't seem to realise that we are the best. Just last week, it took 24 of us to beat up an old lady. That is how hardcore we are. Sure, she killed 13 of us in the process but we managed to blacken her eye slightly.

As every intelligented person knows, msuic MUST consist of the following things
1: Lyrics (Classical has none)
2: A beat (Jazz has non)
3: Computer generated sounds (Rock has none

When was the last time Mozart mixed up a beat like Dr. Dre or Beethoven showed us his rapping skills and flow? NEVER! That proves they were not talented. When has Jimi Hendrix ever told us about himself through computer generated beats and not that shitty block of wood that only retarded children listen to.

If you're not a townie and don't listen to Gangsta rap, that means you are a emo which means you must be beaten up and killed for being a miserable bastard.
Straight G fo life nigga!
Cheeky bastards have the nerve to also put Classical, Opera, Jazz, Blues, Swing, Rock, Metal, Country, Reggae, Punk, Alternative and other forms of non-rap or pop are somehow considered music in the eyes of people to old to realise that music has finally been invented.
by Real Gangsta in da House July 12, 2005
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An idiot who likes more than one form of music. Titled because Jennifer Lopez likes rap AND R&B, and she is a whore. Music Whores can be spotted looking at both the rap section AND the pop section at HMV. Not only that but they will claim to have the mental campacity to enjoy both NWA (A shit rap group unlike the Game) and Hilary Duff.
Rap is the only true form of music.

Gawth Prep: "I listen to more than one genre of music because I'm an idiot that is very confused and doesn't know what genre of music I like"
Sane Person: "Bitch! Rap is the ONLY genre of music!"
*Shoots her to death until she dies*
Gawth Prep: "I am also ghey because I listen to classical music. I love Mozart's testicles."
by Real Gangsta in da House July 13, 2005
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