3 definitions by Reagan

A Regan is a basic white girl. She often drinks Starbucks, wears Ugg boots in August, and lives for chipotle. She will often complain about her day, before the day has started.

A Regan will frequently say "omg stop it","I hate you guys", or "You guys are so annoy!"

A Regan's favorite quote:
"Oh my god you guys stop it you're seriously so mean UGH I hate youuu"

Also Frequently caught eating in class, and day dreaming about Starbucks and chipotle
"Hey don't forget the cookies!"

"Oh my gosh stoppp i can't even! I have to go to chipotle and get this seasons uggs first! "
"Don't be a Regan"
by Reagan October 28, 2014
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Noun: A sweaty, smelly, sticky scrotum sack, usually plastered with underwear dingleberries wrapped up in pubes.
"Damn it's hot out today! I got some rank dank nuggets."
by Reagan May 14, 2004
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