27 definitions by Raziel

The unknown factor of how fast it would go if a girl sneezed while some one blew there load down there throat.
We need to submit our theory of sneeze sperm velocity to NASA.
by Raziel April 22, 2003
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That not so fresh feeling between the cheeks of your ass.

Like when sweat mixes with leftover chunks of shit, and lubricates your ass cheeks.
After Tom ate the bag of Pringles with olestra he had swishass for a week.
by Raziel March 24, 2005
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A term used to describe a women so hot that you must restrain your self from fucking them when ever they are around.
by Raziel April 22, 2003
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When a fishermen sprays him self with cologne when out at sea because there isnt a shower on the boat. Same as Mexican Shower
I didnt have time for a shower before my date so i took a fishermen shower.
by Raziel April 14, 2003
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Any one being an obnoxious little immature prick.
"Those freshmen are such twatsporks"
by Raziel February 4, 2004
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An inhalent that can get you high
I got messed up on amyls
by Raziel August 29, 2003
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Noun: A beggar, someone who frequently asks for money or gets friends to buy things for them.

Verb: The act of asking someone for money or objects, such as cigarettes.
"That guy is such a scab, he is always asking for money, don't give him anything."

"Hey buddy, can I scab a few dollars from you?"
by Raziel April 25, 2005
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