115 definitions by Ray

wannabe whore, also one shall never get paid no matter what the services offered. Also, one who loves free phones but never gets rebates back.
by Ray March 29, 2003
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it is the sound you get porking a fat woman (backround listen just once)
did you hear that fuafuawafuwawawa coming from the back seat?
by Ray March 14, 2005
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Word used by dealers and junkies, a particular way of smoking, inhailing, injecting, taking (in general, using) a certain type of drug.
by Ray July 16, 2004
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To be humiliated in defeat to the point at which you lose your manhood.
"Dude, I still can't walk that test ass raped me so hard"
by Ray October 22, 2003
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government money having lots of cash on demand
by Ray November 9, 2003
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At the bossman's request, cruising the jail house or prison yard picking up cigarrette butts in a large tin can.
If that jit keeps irratating the bossman, he's gonna find himself cadillacing soon.
by Ray April 16, 2004
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After a girl gets you off, you bust in your hand then smack her in the face like you would with a pie.
yo dude after she gave me head i gave her the pie!
by Ray April 12, 2004
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