6 definitions by Ratioguy8989

the peter parker spiderman name in japanese dub "peta paka"
hey dude did u watch the new spiderman movie |
yeah i saw it with japanese dub "peta paka"
by Ratioguy8989 January 4, 2022
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Ratio is a word that is popular among social media , most likely popular on tiktok or twitter Ratio means when a person gets more comments than likes
XD this guy cant even play!

by Ratioguy8989 March 2, 2022
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The Twoday, when its exactly 2/22 and its Tuesday then its called "Twoday" instead of Tuesday. The next year it wont be Tuesday it maybe Friday. This event happens every 200 years. Its a special day in earth so you must celebrate the Twoday!
Oh my gosh today is the Twoday!
by Ratioguy8989 February 23, 2022
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Daki.Also named "Ume" She is a demon in the "demon slayer" Series says she is an upper rank demon but she is weak as the paper uzui beheaded her in one second but her brother...
by Ratioguy8989 February 18, 2022
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its said by a 5 year old girl that she think that she is hot
The girl: hey jacky boo boo
jack: Fuck.
by Ratioguy8989 December 6, 2021
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Oh god you are really that bored?
welp wanna read a cringe story? gotcha
alvin: hey dude wanna hangout
alex: okay sure buddy where are going to?
alvin: ur mom a$$
alex: The fuck? i just wanted to hangout :(
alvin: no lmao get real :D
alex 10 seconds later: `1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./
by Ratioguy8989 January 4, 2022
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