134 definitions by RatchetBoo

A derriere that makes a badonkdaonk look like a pancake; firm, shapely, and pinchable. Can only be achieved through constant exercise.
It's hard to find a decent dude with a Sol-Badguy behind...
by RatchetBoo October 29, 2003
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What you get when you eat a lot of things that don't mix very well. Named for how the turds come out of your butt and it takes forever to clean up.
After I ate five chili dogs, four bran muffins, six Sno Cones, half a plate of fried fish, a third of a gallon of ice cream, and some cotton candy, I had violent explosive diarrhea for three days.
by RatchetBoo May 8, 2003
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To be:
A- Disgusting, vile or lewd
B- Rude, impolite, or extremely offensive in conduct towards another person
1. LaWiesha is nasty; don't drink out of the same cup as her or borrow her toothbrush

2. Jerk-off At The Osco- Whaddya mean you don't carry ___?!! *shoves cashier* What the heck kind of sorry excuse for an Osco is this!?
Cashier- I'm sorry, but we ran out yesterday. There's nothing I can do about it now; the next shipment isn't due in for another 5 hours....and being a nasty, arrogant jerkoff won't expedite the process, either!
by RatchetBoo June 7, 2003
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Goku's main rival throughout the whole DBZ and GT series. He is very short, with spiky hair that stands straight up, and he has a bad attitude. He is Trunks's and Bra's daddy. He is also the Prince of Saiyans, which makes him act arrogant towards everyone else.
Vegeta's calves are about the same size as his thighs.
by RatchetBoo May 19, 2003
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Proof that the human body is not meant to imitate a plastic plaything from Mattel...or for you cynics, the disorder in which the afflicted refuses to eat in an attempt to get thin.
I heard that one of my former classmates is suffering from anorexia...she wants to be a size 0 so she can model for Deb....
by RatchetBoo June 19, 2003
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The reason why many people don't want kids. Usually used to talk about children who act like stuck up little freaks and should have been aborted when their parents found out they were pregnant. Reason why Uzis and flamethrowers should be legalized as private weapons.
Shawn B. says that the spoiled brat that lives across the street from her got kidnapped last month...and his parents are actually celebrating instead of searching for him!
by RatchetBoo April 27, 2003
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1. A brain
2. Gay dudes (trust me, you'll find out why)
3. Diamonds
4. A Camaro, especially a black or royal blue one
Not every girl's best friend is a diamond. Some like flowers and ohters like fart jokes.
by RatchetBoo May 9, 2003
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