11 definitions by Rasnodar

When a man and a woman care about each other and spend a lot of time together, but neither of them wants sex.

Contrary to popular opinion, this does happen.
Ryan: Have you and Sarah done it yet?

John: No, and we never will. We're just friends.
by Rasnodar January 2, 2015
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Person A: How about we watch some TV at your place?

Person B: I can't

Person A: Why?

Person B: I committed telecide when Justin Bieber won Artist of the Year at the American Music Awards
by Rasnodar December 9, 2010
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Proof that we are living in the future
Time traveler from the 1970s: Why are all these people talking to themselves?

Teenager in the present day: They're talking on cell phones, duh.
by Rasnodar February 11, 2011
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Someone slightly over the age of consent who goes to jail for having sex with someone slightly under the age of consent.
He went to prison for having sex with a 17-year-old when he was 19, so he's a statutory rape victim, not a real criminal.
by Rasnodar January 18, 2011
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When the government treats teenagers like children by punishing anyone over the age of 18 who has sex with someone under 18
He was 18. She was 17. They had sex. He went to prison for statutory rape. They got back together when he was released a year later.
by Rasnodar December 7, 2010
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Dave thought that he was having an epic meal time, but he was wrong because eating is not epic.
by Rasnodar October 21, 2012
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