8 definitions by Raredog21-69

A special feeling a person feels when they become attracted to everything and constantly wants to be involved with people sexually
Alexei got with Angela this weekend, and went rooster mode.
by Raredog21-69 September 9, 2019
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A dumb dog is a stupid person who only likes talking to men and is always being a dumb dog
Hugo is a dumb dog because he smelt his hand after he put it in his pants
by Raredog21-69 July 31, 2018
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It is a person who has elite athletic ability with calfs the size of a professional weight lifters quads. This name can only be used by people have been associated with lebron and oliver jonathan.
Mike"Lebronathon, your calfs are looking huge today"
Lebronathon" Thanks, I just did 150kg on the calf machine for 26 sets of 15"
by Raredog21-69 September 9, 2019
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A dumb nut is a person who thinks highly of themselves but realistically they are very quite dumb which is where the Term Dumb Nut comes from.
by Raredog21-69 August 9, 2018
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Clapped is a old english latin term used to describe people who are mentally challenged or are extremely intoxicated or very high on drugs. Being clapped is usually a great thing in the country of Australia due to the amount of Bogans in the country.
Hugo you're absolutely clapped, Your hands are in your pants whilst your smoking a cig.
by Raredog21-69 November 22, 2018
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Greasy gaz is where your hair is uncontrollable greasy with large amounts of grease being made every minute. To be called greasy gaz your name must also be Hugo with gaz being a abriviation for Hugo.
Damm greasy gaz, your looking greasy as frick
by Raredog21-69 September 18, 2019
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Alice, Alice, Alice, Where do I start. You're truly one of a kind, completely unique in each and every way possible. The way you put a smile on everyone's face, the way you pull leaves off of everything possible, the way you grab massive sticks of wood and scrape the ground, it just, I don't even know how to describe it. Its honestly the most mesmerising thing I have ever witnessed. Without an Alice in your life, your life is not complete, you will never know which way the blanket's individual hairs are facing, or how the carpet was made. If you don't have an Alice in your life your missing out.
Alice: Look at the bush, im going to go and pluck it
Boy 1: Alice, I thought we were meant to hang out today, not pick bushes
Alice: If you don't shut up im going to slit your throat, This bush is more important than your life.
Boy 1: Im Sorry Alice, please forgive me
Alice: I will only forgive you if you come here and smack the ground with this big wooden stick
by Raredog21-69 March 8, 2023
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