15 definitions by Rane

baka idiot, stupid etc. ^2 squared (if you didn't know that you are one). or baka^ni so its idiot to the second power.
by Rane August 3, 2003
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You are the DJ. awesome Bemani game where you've got the turn table. though 5-key is popular 7-key is better.
by Rane May 9, 2003
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One of my new favorite Bands! Give 'em a listen. A little techno, some DJ remixes, some tapla, a hint of rap, its all good. Fun, happy party music. Band members: Neil Claxton and Chris Baker. Royale is kinda pronounced with an accent.
I got the CD On the Ropes by Mint Royale and now they're on of my favorite bands.
by Rane July 25, 2003
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StrongBads "bogus theory"
The Cold-itude of the One is equally proportionate to the One-itude of the One. The colder it is the more of a One it is. You don't wanna get stuck with a Cold-None.
"In some European Countries they've been known to drink cool ones or Room Temperature Ones or even WARM Ones"
by Rane May 9, 2003
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A poor sad species that I pity.
I have all of the extra-terrestrial and android friends that I need, I fit right in. Ahem,

by Rane July 29, 2003
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"Ok then, why don't we get the friggin package to the friggin mansion, before my friggin pants explode!"
by Rane August 22, 2003
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