7 definitions by Randy Smith

Defined by Chris Rocks as someone who does not want to better themselves through education. "Yo, are you going to school bro?", "No, I'm keepin' it real". To which Chris Rock replies "yeah, Real Stupid!".
"Did you graduate high school"?

Naw man, I'm keepin' it real!
by Randy Smith September 24, 2007
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I walked into the office bathroom at lunch and caught maryann paddling the canoe.
by Randy Smith June 7, 2006
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Someone who is an asshole or a Dick. Generally used when curse words are not appropriate.
My Boss is a real doink.
by Randy Smith June 7, 2006
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Slow Lopey Mexican - A illegal Mexican who drives their car very slow and overly cautious in order not attract the attention of the police.
I would have been here ten minutes ago if I did not get behind an SLM.
by Randy Smith October 6, 2003
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After spend hours with an east indian family who are buying things for their home you give them the total of 12,000 dollars, to which they reply "I will give you 2000". So all the time you spent with them is not wasted you knock off a hundred or two dollars off the total to make the sale.
After spending all afternoon with them I finally had to give them a Hindu Discount just to make the sale.
by Randy Smith October 11, 2007
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This is a wonderful name meaning good fortune and happiness. This is a beautiful girl who is very high energy and knows what to say to make you laugh and smile . She has many friends but yet is very independent . She is poised but loves a good fight .
by Randy Smith October 19, 2016
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