4 definitions by RandomPerson

A Jackass that loves to be silly and don on his favorite "dunce cap". this creature is indigenous to deviantart.com and is a master at "ninja'ing" pepople
Yo punk ass just got ninja'ed!
by RandomPerson April 7, 2005
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A ludicrous connation made by the corporate fascist ass-hole Bush (who got into office by suspicious cough* illegal*cough means) to instill more nationalism and show resentment against the French because they, like MOST of the world, did not support an imperialistic, unjustified war where NO WMDs were found.
Bush: I reckon I'm a-gonna name these here fries *Freedom Fries* cause I sure don't like them French...just cause they don't want to go to war! Damnit, I want this war! I know damn well there ain't no WMDs in Iraq, but hell, I sure like me a game of cowboys and Indians (actually Arabs) and my whole presidency is a warped parody of Walker, Texas ranger...or should I say *dumbass*.
by RandomPerson May 25, 2003
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A lewd website with random people spreading their anus open for the world to see. Users then get to rate who has the better spread anus. Designed after the popular website goatse was created.
wow his ratemygoatse is spread wide.
by RandomPerson March 26, 2004
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A person who owns Bluotaku's soul and heart. and has a contract on his body. is feared by many.
Shhh raz-x- might hear!
by RandomPerson April 7, 2005
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