11 definitions by Radio

A symbol of US dominance and filth. Demonstrative of the idea that an advanced society can exist and thrive without producing goods and services that relate to or possess quality.
by Radio August 8, 2003
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Patriot; dissenter; someone who realizes that participatory democracy means not only voting to be heard and to influence the country. While there are some exceptions, a person who possesses a larger understnnding of geography, geo-political consequences of a country's foreign policy, and said country's place in the world.
Because of the anti-war protestors, the suits on Wall Street arrived late and didn't make the opening bell.
by Radio August 9, 2003
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(see also evil, necessary)
Usually a federally subsidized manner or barter; something used in exchange for a product.
by Radio August 8, 2003
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In the porno that Josh rented, it showed graphic acts of MFCS.
by Radio November 23, 2003
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Now, as redefined by the Dept. of Defense, seemingly any small body of individuals rising up and/or fighting for their liberation- or that of the group, nation, region they represent- against a large body of individuals or institutions (also known as the State). Forms of may vary. See also, guerrilla warfare.
by Radio August 6, 2003
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A pratitioner of the act of vegetable genocide be it for cultural, environmental or medical reasons. (see also, herbivore)
by Radio August 9, 2003
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