7 definitions by RacistAsshole

A slang term for having an unintentional accident causing property damage and/or bodily damage and/or death to the person causing the accident
#1. (employee calling boss when coming back from lunch): "Some dude bit it about 100 yds ahead, and the police are here. I have to take an alternate route. I'll be there in about 15 minutes."

#2. "That skateboarder sure bit it when he didn't make the 360."
by RacistAsshole October 6, 2009
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Any improvised object used to forcibly gain entry into a locked/secured structure or vehicle when the person does not immediately available to them appropriate tools when entry is needed. Such tools may be a hammer, brick, coat hanger, steel toed boots, your body, or any other object which will allow you to gain entry.

More often then not, using a "Mexican lock pick" will damage the entry or property that the person is trying to gain access to. As such, it should be a last resort used to gain entry.
Person 1: "I locked my keys in my car yesterday, so I had to use a mexican lock pick."

Person 2: "What's that?"

Person 1: "A hammer."
by RacistAsshole October 3, 2010
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Beyond never. It will not only never happen, but I would bet against it happening until all time ends, plus two days. (and what is a "day" after time stops?)
Q: Do you think the pope will become a muslim or a jew?

A: Sure, He'll become a Jew or a Muslim the second day after never.
by RacistAsshole November 17, 2011
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To engage in homosexual activities, such as anal intercourse, or male on male fellatio
Homer: "Do you wonder what I do in this room that I disappear for long periods of time, and don't want you go go into?"
Bart: "I don't know. Gay out?"
Homer: "NO!" *opens door* I make Jerky.
by RacistAsshole October 21, 2009
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Slang term for a person of Mexican decent. As seen in "Cheech and Chong: Nice Dreams:
WTF are all the taco heads doing over by the Home Depot?
by RacistAsshole January 1, 2010
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The process of temporarily hijacking a thread with pictures relating to the quoted section of the post you are posting funny but relevant pictures in response to the OP, (Original post). Such temporary hijacking of the thread in question is done with the intention of allowing the thread to continue on along it's regular course. You did it for the Lulz, and nothing more.
<pictures of funny random crap that is in anyway connected to the quoted post>

You just got 4channed! :D
by RacistAsshole March 4, 2010
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Holding in a hit of cannabis from the bong or pipe so long that all the smoke is absorbed into the lungs. Upon exhaling, no smoke exits the body, as it has all been absorbed into the person smoking cannabis.
"Dude, he's held it in for 30 seconds!"

*guy smoking exhales, and no smoke exits*

"Damn man, you just did a ghost toke!"

"Fuck yeah I did!" :)
by RacistAsshole January 24, 2010
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