49 definitions by R. Kemp

The catch-all excuse for the denizens at Encylopedia Dramatica to be as racist, sexist, anti-semitic, and any other form of bigotry as they want to be and turn their page into the Stormfront wiki.
Angry black man with a bat: I know it was you that turned the article about O.J. Simpson into a rant about niggers!

ED user: But...but.... I did it for the lulz!

*Thwack* *Thwack* *Thwack*
by R. Kemp November 17, 2010
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French Canadian attempt at anime, complete with enigmatic Japanese girl, superficial girl, twist headband guy, and a shitload of dorks. At least it isn't a 100% sellout cartoon like Teen Titans.
If you want to copy anime, at least get the spellings right! LYOKO shouldn't have an "L" as there is no "L" in Romanicized Japanese.
by R. Kemp August 5, 2004
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When you have everything but the kitchen sink at the beginning of a video game, only to lose it a couple of minutes later and having to spend the rest of the game getting it all back piece by piece. A common occurrence in the Metroid games.
I just popped the game in and my flaming sword is hewing the enemies in one hit and my special techniques are clearing the screen. I think I'm about to get Samus'd!
by R. Kemp November 15, 2007
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Means "cute" or "pretty" in Japanese. Grossly overused by fat wapanese dorks in their futile attempts to woo their school's female Japanese exchange student(s).
Reality Check: Native Japanese don't use the word "kawaii" as much as you dorks do. Shut it down.
by R. Kemp August 5, 2004
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A term used for videogames that require a great amount of time to be invested in them. A defining characteristic of a time sink is that due to the immersiveness of the game, the time spent playing these games feels small when in reality, the gamer has been playing for hours.
Do NOT play Civilization 4 or Oblivion. Those games are such time sinks that when you finsih, you'll be paying for your next game with your retirement checks.
by R. Kemp June 4, 2006
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The pinnacle of patheticness. These people take it on themselves and believe it is their obligation to preserve the "morality" of the internet by (and not limited to):
- telling others what is right and wrong in the form of a flame.
- emailing board mods to take action aganist the member of a board because they did something they didn't like (i.e. getting owned in an arguement)
- emailing ISP abuse emails to rat on a person because they don't like what they are posting or saying.
They have the deluded thought that by doing this that they will leave their mark on the Internet and have users singing their praises. However, the real world doesn't work that way, they get flamed by everyone, and because things don't work out the way they expect, their mind can't handle it and they begin the downward spiral into becoming a kook.
Netcops are pathetic SOBs that haven't gotten past the egocentric and tattle-tale stage of development. Bellvue always needs new customers...give 'em your worst!
by R. Kemp September 11, 2005
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Dubya's slave whore. Commonly known as a nigger bitch.
Hey Condie, you missed a spot on your chin there and you shouldn't talk with your mouth full of Dubya Dick.
by R. Kemp February 12, 2005
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