2 definitions by Røckfish Sålåde

To be all alone when you realize that you are becoming a nuisance to others and you have always been by yourself,

When you had friends to begin with but end up with none in the longrun
David: “You know that kid Christian?”
Ryan: yeah I know the kid what about him?”
David:” I kinda feel bad for him he’s all alone”
by Røckfish Sålåde January 25, 2019
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A kid who’s tried their best, being the nicest person he could be on the outside, funny not so smart but he’s getting there... then the inside he’s been shadowing this for his whole life trying to cover it up, he’s been made fun of told he was a disgrace, wishes he could never be here but he decides to cover it up, and not ruin your day... in the end he is all alone
Hey you know that kid Christian?” “Yeah he seems super nice” “he is but he’s actually been going through some shit he seems to be torturing himself ...”
by Røckfish Sålåde February 26, 2019
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