2 definitions by QueenZ122699

Similar to beer goggles. When you are a freshman (in high school or college) and everyone you meet is new and exciting, you think that people (especially of the opposite sex) are attractive, nice and/or interesting when they're actually aggressively mediocre in hindsight. Although this phenomenon is worst in high school freshmen and can actually lead to mistakes that impact the rest of one's high school life, upon acceptance to college the high school senior immediately forgets everything they learned not to do and proceeds to make the same mistakes as a college freshman (although freshman goggles usually fade within a month or two in college, while a high school freshman may wear their goggles for the entire year).
September, high school senior: "Ugh, Rafael is coming back for alumni day this week. I really don't want to see him again."
Emma, high school senior: "I can't believe you actually liked him."
September: "I had freshman goggles. I can't believe I was ever that stupid. By the way, have I told you about Dylan?"
Emma: "No?"
September: "Yeah, I met him online! We both got into the same program at X University. This is him. He's cute, isn't he? We talk like every day and we're making plans to meet up before school starts and..."
Emma: "And the cycle continues."
by QueenZ122699 October 19, 2018
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When somebody says/does something so unbelievably dumb that they need to just sit down, shut up, and not do anything else; when the stupid is so strong that just one seat will not do. Also can be used as an expression of self-disapproval when one has an unbelievably dumb thought.
1) Donald Trump: "I will build a giant wall that Mexico will pay for!"
Smart person: "Have several seats."

2) My boyfriend and I were talking about our futures, and he said he wants to do some things before graduating college but one depends on our relationship. After a few days at home on break, I'm starting to think he was talking about marrying me. We're both 16 and haven't even kissed yet. I need to have several seats.
by QueenZ122699 February 15, 2016
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