44 definitions by Queen Of Urban Dictionary

Tiffany Trump is the 4th eldest Trump child and the first child that Donald Trump had with his second wife, Marla Maples. She, like her brother Eric, is a degenerate with an IQ of 43. She is often neglected by her father since she is bad for his public image.
Interviewer: President Trump, what are your thoughts on Tiffany Trump?

Donald Trump: Wait, which one was that again?

Interviewer: The daughter you don't have sex with.

Donald Trump: Oh you mean Not-Ivanka! I haven't spoken to her in 20 years!
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Courtney is an annoying CIT who thinks she is the boss of everyone. She thinks that everyone should follow her orders and view her as a leader, even though nobody gives two shits about her. She is also a sore fucking loser and is never willing to accept defeat, always threatening to call her lawyers whenever she is eliminated.

Her natural mate is Duncan.
Chris: And the camper who will be going home on the Boat of Losers iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis .................. Courtney!

Courtney: WHAT?! You can't do this to me, I'm a CIT! -kicks Chris in the jewels- I am soooooooooooooo calling my lawyers!

LeShawna: Shut the fuck up you nasty ass hoe! Get the fuck off this island before I beat yo ass to the point where yo skull and yo spine are indistinguishable!
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Heather is a smelly ass hoe from Total Drama. She is constantly nasty to everyone and is the reason why many players were eliminated from the game. Nobody likes her.

Her natural enemy is LeShawna.
Heather: I am like, the most popular character in this show,

LeShawna: Shut up you mall shopping ponytail wearing teen girl reading peeking in high school prom queen!

Heather: At least I'm popular!

LeShawna: That's it! Ima bouta whoop yo ass!
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ThatNonVeganTherapist is an alter ego of ThatVeganTeacher. She is a therapist who gives therapy sessions to people. One of her patients is Nikocado Avocado. She often recommends that people do not become vegan since meat makes people happy.
ThatNonVeganTherapist: You should consider not being vegan, because there is no point, and meat is good for your mental health anyways. I could order some meat for you if you'd like!
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A bald-ass whore who starts drama and is a terrible wife to Will Smith. Also commonly referred to as GI Jane 2. She cheated on her husband with a man named Tupac and acts like it is a normal thing, and she cried and said she never wanted to marry him as if it was a joke. She also shamed Will Smith for standing up for her and slapping Chris Rock in the Oscar, even though she probably forced her to.
Jada Pinkett Smith: I don't give 2 craps what people think of this bald head of mine.

Everyone: Shut the fuck up Caillou we saw how you acted in the Oscars.

Megamind: Girl you so bald that you boost my confidence in my hair.

Ridley Scott: Jada, we have decided to cast you as GI Jane 2.

Chris Rock: Wow Jada I knew you would make the cut!


Tupac: Hey Jada you wanna come to my house later for some personal business?

Jada: Yes Mi Amor, I mean Tupac. See you tonight.
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The Bitch Expert was a mysterious person who studied bitches and their behavior. They gave the best definitions regarding the bitch species and their ways of life, as well as the many different species of bitches that roam our planet. One of the definitions they wrote was the term defining Obedient Bitch. They have been inactive since August 31 of 2019. What happened to them is unknown.
Rumor has it that the Bitch Expert was assassinated by an angry feminazi, but this rumor was never confirmed. Below is a police sketch of what the Bitch Expert may have looked like.
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Some crazy vegan hag who is trying to get everyone to become vegan. She believes that an ant deserves the same rights as a human and targets anyone who eats meat, bullying them and victimizing herself in the process. She also has a poor dog named Bella who she forces to go vegan, which is animal abuse. That dog is probably already dead now and she probably buys a new similar looking dog to replace it each year. That hag would probably make a lion go vegan. She is so annoying and rude that she makes people want to never become vegan. She is also racist and says the n-word.
Person: Hmmmm, I think I am gonna become vegan. I do not want to hurt animals anymore. However, I still will not mind if others choose to eat meat.

ThatVeganTeacher: Oh my god noooooooo! You cannot eat meat or hurt animals anymore, and you must force everyone you know to become vegan too! Animals are being abused! Cows are being r*ped and sheep are being skinned for wool! You must not hurt animals anymore!

Person: Oh now I remember why I will never go vegan.

ThatVeganTeacher: You veganphobic pig, er I mean veganphobic man! I'm going to go make a video about how bad of a person you are, right after I feed my dog a salad!
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